
Image source: theworldofchinese.com

Many people are aware that regular sun exposure can damage the skin cells. But another lesser-known skin irritant is smog damage. Medical studies have shown that smog exposure is twice more likely to age the skin compared with other known skin factors. This is because smog is a mixture of several chemicals and particulates that are directly absorbed by the skin. Other pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and lead are also found in smog that may also lead to several respiratory illnesses and eventually result in duller, more lifeless-looking skin.

Unfortunately, smog damage is usually exacerbated by sun exposure as well. The ultraviolet radiation from the sun hits the smog and breaks the chemical cloud into free radicals that bounce and chip away at the walls of skin cells. A variety of diseases, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, have been linked to free radical damage. This continual exposure also decreases the supply of oxygen to the skin and many people can suffer from varying forms of premature ageing. Skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles begin to form. Mature individuals are more prone to high pollution concentration and are more likely to suffer from forms of eczema, rashes, acne, or other skin conditions.

Image source: fitnessfirst.com.au

The good news is that these conditions may be lessened or reduced by embracing a good skincare routine. This involves washing the face regularly and applying moisturizer, sunscreen, and other products loaded with anti-oxidants. Another beneficial step is regularly getting facial treatments. These treatments can be done once a month, which dramatically improves skin elasticity and enables products to be absorbed more efficiently into the skin.

Massage Envy understands everything about skin care and body wellness. Aside from its massage therapies, it also specializes in comprehensive facial treatments that reduce the effects of sun and smog damage. Learn more about its services here.